• Avoid selling your dental practice
    Looking for Investment?
    Contact Neil today to arrange a meeting


Following conversations with many principals over the last 10 years, Neil realised that many were finding that running a dental practice had become a burden. Dentists qualify in a vocation, they are not trained to run a business and the enormous regulatory pressures now bearing down on them prevent many from enjoying what they had set out to do. Namely, to look after patients and enjoy their chosen profession.

The decision to sell our dental practice is one of the most significant milestones in our lives. Many of us spend many years working hard to build something we are proud of, providing a livelihood for not only ourselves but also our loyal team.
Neil made that choice in 2014 after 22 years. But only after careful consideration and doing it for the right reasons. Bupa have proved to be an excellent partner and the acquisition has enabled the business and the team to grow and prosper.

However, selling is not the only option for a principal who in their heart is not ready but feels they have no option. Neil invests in principals who have an appetite to grow but would like support and guidance. He also provides funds for ambitious principals who are just starting out.

Whilst many staff and associates may not appreciate the fact, the life of a principal can be lonely and stressful!  Neil provides support by investing equity stakes in practices. Once the dental investment is completed he mentors principals, enabling them to enjoy their dentistry, deliver profitability, lead their team and grow their businesses.

Neil is supported by a team of professionals who are experts in their field. Following an investment, Neil works together with a principal to develop a strategy for success, covering everything from the patient journey to management accounting, accessing specialist support when necessary.